Onslow County
Beekeepers Association
The Onslow County Beekeepers Association (OCBA) meetings occur the
2nd Tuesday of every month
from 7:00pm - 9:00pm at the Onslow County Farm Bureau Office
3965 Richlands Hwy., Jacksonville, NC 28540
You do not need to be a member to come to a meeting. Come see what all the BUZZ is about!
The 2025 Swarm Removal List is out. If you see a swarm, leave it alone and call a beekeeper in your area to come and have it properly removed. Click on the "Swarm Removal" tab to find a beekeeper near you.
Special thank you to the Holly Ridge Bee Committee for their generous $500 donation towards the renovation of the OCBA Apiary (due to bear destruction last Fall). The donation paid for 2 solar fencing panels, replacement bees and other hive equipment. The apiary is an integral dedicated space to help both novice and experienced beekeepers learn and practice beekeeping techniques through demonstration and hands-on experience.