Swarm Removal

See a bee swarm? Relax!

Honey bees are generally very docile while swarming. They are swarming because they are looking for a temporary spot to gather while scout bees fly out to find their new, permanent home. Swarms usually only stay in this temporary location for a few hours to a few days.

2025 Swarm List

If you think you may need a swarm removed, contact a beekeeper in your area to see if they can help!  Click HERE for the list.

2025 Swarm List Final.docx

But if you do come in contact with a swarm, please do not try to disrupt it or spray the bees! If you would like them removed, contact a beekeeper from our 2025 Swarm Removal List. Gather detailed information about the swarm before you call such as:

What is the ADDRESS of where it is located?  How BIG is it?
Is the swarm OUTSIDE or INSIDE something? HOW LONG has it been there? What is the swarm located ON/IN?

These types of questions will help the beekeeper arrive prepared and with the correct equipment. Additionally, photos showing the swarm and immediate surrounding area are very helpful to the beekeeper.

Are you sure it's a Honey Bee?

Telling the difference between a honey bee and a yellow jacket can be confusing, but we are here to help!
*Please Note: OCBA beekeepers will only remove honey bees*

Honey bees are fuzzy with a dull off-yellow color like amber or golden brown along with alternating black stripes.

Yellow jackets are very bright yellow with a slender body and a predominately black shiny base.

Honey bees nest in hidden locations or in man-made box hives.

Yellow jackets can nest in the ground, in holes or up in high places such as under a roof line on a building.

Honey bees are typically gentle and only sting when they feel threatened and only sting once.

Yellow jackets are territorial and can therefore be very aggressive and even sting multiple times.